Recap of Launch Party

It was incredibly humbling to have the support of people who share our passion for positively impacting the lives of couples and families going through a divorce and separation.

Based on our newly launched Resolve Roadmap which stages out the divorce journey, the highlight of the night was the Cocktail Roadmap.

The Cocktail Roadmap took our guests down a guided pathway (of cocktails), where they were supported through their time of refocus, tailor made negotiations and strategic legal advice to achieve their best outcome.

We are glad to hear that most of our guests enjoyed their best outcome, some of them more than once!

We have so much on the go here at Resolve, which is best explained on our new website, which we were able to launch on the night.

This website not only outlines content and resources that have been a long time in the making, but it acts as a vehicle to carry so much of the hard work that has been happening behind the scenes in the past year.

Although this is just the beginning of what we plan to bring to the market, we recognise how much we owe our people, the people who supported us to grow into the impactful business we are today.

Thank you to all of you. You are our people, our network supporters, and our friends.

Thank you for trusting us with your people and supporting us to grow.
