A legal negotiation can be handled in many different ways. We encourage you to Design Your Own Divorce from our many bespoke negotiation options.
That way, you can choose the way that best suits your circumstances and strategically achieve the best outcome for you and your family.
Ask us about how we help couples and individuals, negotiate what’s right for their family.
Rose Cocchiaro, Founder & Director
This negotiation process involves working cooperatively, as a team with you and your spouse, their legal advisors and any other advisors you may need from other specialist areas, to help guide the negotiation and decision-making process to achieve a settlement.
By working in this interest based cooperative style negotiation process, not only will you receive the benefit of our legal advice but you will be guided toward a settlement that meets your emotional and financial objectives and helps you achieve optimal wellbeing in the process.
Different to traditional collaborative industry practice, with our interest-based negotiation option you are not obliged to change lawyers in the event your matter doesn’t settle. In addition, the process is more streamlined and results driven.
This method of resolving disputes put the needs and wants of you and your family at the forefront by working together to determine how to best achieve the outcomes desired.
Through this pathway, you are given a chance to express what matters to you in a safe environment where communication is respectful and you are supported every step of the way.
In collaboration with our experienced team of lawyers, neutral therapists and financial experts work together as a team to guide outcomes that are determined by you. Each party signs an agreement that disqualifies the lawyers from being able to act for you in any court application if your matter does not resolve by agreement. This keeps people at the table longer and more determined to reach a settlement.
In mediation, we work with you, your spouse and their lawyer along with a qualified and impartial mediator to resolve your differences and find a suitable outcome. Many matters that are properly prepared and proceed to mediation with both lawyers advice and support, settle.
We mediate collaboratively at Resolve, working with family law qualified mediators and even those who are trained collaboratively! These mediators facilitate mediation sessions for us and with us, for your family. We can even take it further to collaborative mediation, which brings together the collaborative model and mediation techniques.
We will work with you and support you through this process to ensure you understand your rights and obligations and that you reach a settlement that promotes your best interests.
In every case this will be an option available to you as a client of Resolve.
We will work hard to ensure that you and your spouse are given an opportunity to sit face to face (or in separate rooms if you prefer), to reach an agreement. We will guide you through the preparation as well as the process itself and support you in this style of conferencing to achieve optimal results.
This form of negotiation is common practice and many firms use this approach as the primary way to settle divorce disputes for their clients.
This traditional practice involves back and forth negotiations, which can often be drawn out, complicated and messy. (Rose likes to call it playing tennis).
At Resolve Divorce, we prefer to avoid this pathway if we can, in lieu of working more collaboratively and cooperatively with our clients and their families however, if required to employ this approach on behalf of a client, we make sure it is purposeful.
Negotiation like this, allows each party to exchange information on a voluntary basis in an attempt to find a resolution that is acceptable for both parties. If done properly it can be an effective way of information gathering and a pathway to settlement.
When we engage in this practice, we tend to direct the process with the aim of reaching settlement discussions that provide better outcomes through approaches such as interested based negotiations and mediation.