The team are very proud to announce we have come in as #16 in South Australia’s Fast Movers awards for 2020.
This means that were not only one of the top fastest growing South Australian businesses for the year, but we were also recongised as one of the most innovative and – we quote – ‘arguably smartest small to medium enterprises’. I mean if the shoe fits!
We are thankful to be recongised for such an achievement by the team at BDO.
When I founded Resolve Divorce 5 years ago I was told to not expect this type of growth. I knew that these people were wrong, I knew there was a place for a family law firm that focuses on making a positive change to peoples divorce experiences here in Adelaide.
This award shows just how much a modern approach to family law was craved by separating couples.
Well, we better get moving so we can catch next years award too!