Sam Cavallaro

General Manager - Strategy

With his deep understanding of the latest technology trends and strong business acumen, Sam has provided valuable expertise to a number of prestigious brands around the world, including Barclays Bank (Italy), Adelaide Airport (Australia), and Applegate (USA).

As an expert in digital transformation, Sam has a proven track record of successfully coaching brands through pivotal rebrands and campaigns across different channels. He is passionate about connecting with the underlying purpose behind marketing and communications efforts, and is known for his ability to develop strategic, effective digital strategies that drive tangible results.

With a Bachelor of Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Piano Performance, Sam brings a unique perspective and approach to creative thinking to all of his work. He is dedicated to helping his clients achieve success, and is always looking for ways to push the boundaries and innovate.

Previously in his career, Sam has provided leadership and guidance on a range of projects for clients across the education, elite sports, and government sectors, including Flinders University, Adelaide Football Club, SA Health, SANFL, HomeStart Finance, SAPOL, and DPC.

― Master of Business Administration
― Master of Arts
― Bachelor of Philosophy
― Graduate Diploma in Digital Marketing 

Get in Contact

To connect Sam with your business, event, or for media comment, contact us.
